Hi my lo is 9wo and i am trying to get him to get his longest stretch of sleep from his DF on.. Although we are encountering some problems.. I give him the DF at 1030.. sometimes 1000 if he wakes (which he has started to do recently?) He usually takes 4oz at every feed and has been draining his bottle for the past few days so at bedtime (630) i gave him 5oz and he drank all of it.. i expected him not to wake, but he did wake at 1000 and i thought he would take at least another 4 oz , so i made a 5oz bottle.. hoping he would eat it and sleep until at least 300am, but that was not the case, he drank only 3 oz at 10pm and he was up at 230am for another feed... at which he ate 3 oz and then he awoke at 4am and fussed from 4-645am!!
I am unsure what to do but i think what i am doing is wrong! There was a week or so that he was eating at 1030pm and then slept until 330am and then 730am but now that is gone! I havent changed anything until last night and then it just got 10times worse! He is only 9wo do you think he needs a little cereal at nighttime? Because the 2/3am feed seems to be getting earlier and earlier!
His routine is this--
E 700
S 800
E 1000
S 1130
E 100
S 215
E 4/430
S catnap 530
bath bedtime
E 630