I think things sound great. If she's happy and healthy, then I say go with what works for her. Try not to get caught up in "what should be," because each child is extremely different. My dd was usually on the shorter side of what other lo's where able to handle for A times, but she quickly caught up after 13-14 months and she transitioned to one nap nicely. Up until then, she had a morning nap 2 hrs from wake time, and a pm nap 3.5-4 hrs after that nap. Her naps generally lasted 1.5-2 hrs. I think your dd is getting a good amount of sleep. My only caution to you is to watch for early am wakings, as that would be a sign of needing to drop the catnap. When you drop the catnap, you can gradually stretch the other A times so her naps move later in the day. But that's no worry now, things look good.