My LO's (19 wks old) nights are fabulous - he goes down w/o a peep at 6:45p.m., wakes at 12:00a.m. and 5:00 a.m. for feedings. I know BW says he should be going all night, but we're still okay w/the 2 feedings (if you knew how far we've come w/night time sleep, you'd understand...). He goes back to sleep after 5am bottle, then I wake him up at 7:15 for the day if he's not up already. Here is where we're really struggling:
He's had a really rough time since birth with sleep, and up until a week ago, I had to nap him wherever I could get him to sleep, usually on my bed. His naps have always been clockwork at 30 minutes with no luck extending.
I start soothing for first nap at first signs of tiredness (usually about 1.5hrs after wake time). As his eyes get very heavy, I place him in crib. At this point, he wakes fully and starts to get excited. Pat/shush only excites him more. I've tried controlled crying (I know, I know, but it actually worked beautifully for us for night sleep as our last resort). Within minutes he's at a full scale scream. Do I try PU/PD? I'm at my wits end as I can't bear to see my baby so overtired during the day. I know he can self-soothe, as he's doing it at night, but I understand days are harder for them.
I would soooo appreciate anyone's advice/input/insights/suggestions.
Here is his schedule:
7:15 - wake
8:00 - eat 6 oz, then walk in stroller, play
9:15 - try to nap
11:30 - eat 6 oz, then walk in stroller, play
12:30 - try to nap
3:00 - eat 6 oz, then play
4:00 - sometimes a quick catnap, though not always
6:00 - eat 6 oz
6:15 - bath, then story
6:45pm- bed
12:00am- eat 6 oz, then back to sleep
5:00am - eat 6 oz, then back to sleep
Thank you all so much in advance...