I just posted a question about W2S, but I figured I should just make a post about my entire dilema. I am a second time Mom to a 18 week old DD (Alaina). I am suffering again with postpardum depression and Alaina is a poor napper. The lack of schedule (i.e 5-6 30 minute naps per day) makes it very hard to play with my oldest DD (Olivia 3.5 years). The PPD makes me constinatly second guess myself. I really hate not having my usuall self confidence. I also have a hard time typing all the information so that it makes sense, but here it goes:)
* Alaina sleeps through the night from 6:30 p.m. or so until 5:45 a.m. She just started waking up that early since I tried extending her A time to 1.5-2 hours, before that she wanted to nap every hour to 1.25 hours.
* She takes 5-6 30 minute naps per day.
* She take a pacifier, but I do not have to replace it durring the night.
* She has reflux and has barley in her bottle, because it is so filling, she only wants to eat every 4 hours, so she is on a 4 hour EASY for eating, but because of the 30 minute naps, she has 2 naps between feeds.
* Even if she has a 30 minute naps from 5-5:30 p.m. she is so tired upon waking that she sometimes is frantic and hysterical and unable to eat. She then cries until bed.
* She is put in her crib awake for naps and night after a short wind down of pulling the shades, turning on the white noise machine and a short snuggle. She goes right to sleep for naps, for bedtime she always cries.
* My oldest DD also took 30 minute naps, she only stopped at 17 months when she went down to 1 nap (1.5 hours)
* I have tried W2S. I went in at 25 minutes an stroked her cheek, she still woke up at 30 minutes. So I went in at 22 minutes and she still woke up. I tried the pressure, but she woke up when I put my arms on her.
I realize that my post sounds all over the place, but I am lost. I'm not sure if all PPD Mom's feel like this, but I am so unsure of myself and I need everything dumbed down for me so I can even comprehend it. Thanks for listening.