Hi Sara, congratulations on your new LO!
My DDs are 15.5 months apart, and it was difficult trying to implement EASY at first. DD1 is a good sleeper, and still has a two hour nap each afternoon, so that made life a little easier. I know this isn't strictly BW but i had DD2 downstairs for naps(first in her moses basket, then her pram), so DD1 was with me, as she wasn't very happy to be left, and i concerntrated on one or two naps a day. It's so hard when they're little and still need so much sleep, so sometimes she napped in the carseat, sometimes, the sling, and sometimes on me. Again, i know thats not strictly BW, but that worked for us, especially in the early days when i was tired. Your LO is still so young, i just concentrated on trying to get the feeding routine established (DD2 was on 2-2.5 hr EASY until she was about 6 weeks), and slowly worked the rest of it out. We also had a lot of 45 minute naps, and some days we just had lots of naps!
I'm 6 months on from where you are now and it does get easier!
Good luck , and enjoy your new baby they grow up so fast don't they