Okay...i apologize if this is repetitive, but I would like some input. My DS has started napping for only 45 min. His feeds have reduced and he is getting really mixed up on his 3 hr. easy routine. It often looks like EASAE! I'm not sure if I'm keeping A time too long or if I need to transition to 3.5 hour easy. He's a big boy (12 lbs. 8 oz) at 10 weeks and he is eating about 32 - 34 ounces of formula during the day. Dream feeds do not work for us. He doesn't wake enough to eat and he spits up whatever goes down. We had no choice but to abandon it a few weeks ago. He sleeps fine at night (6:30 pm to 6 am straight - I know I'm luck on that one!) The trouble is naps and getting really overtired during the day. The past two days looked roughly like this:
E 6 am
A 6:30-730
S 7:30-830
A until 9
E 9
A 930-1015
S 1040 - 11 (Tried putting him down at 10 15)
A 11-12
E 12
A 1230-1
A 145-3
E 3
A 330-415
S 420-5
E 6
A bath and bedtime soothing routine
S 7 pm (cried out once at 730)
Looking at this, I'm not sure if it is that he is up too long or I'm just needing to spread out his feedings. He went through his 9 week growth spurt last week, so maybe the feeds are dropping because he's not going through a spurt this week? So confused. Any help would be great. Also, with the 6 am start time, I'm not sure if there is any way to push last bedtime feeding a little later so we can eventually get to a 7 am start time? My toddler wakes up at 7 pm.
Thanks ladies! Excuse my density on this one! Erin