I put AJ on one nap about a month ago at 13 months. I thought he was showing me signs at 12 months, but no. What really did it was that he'd take his morning nap no problem, but his awake times just kept getting longer and longer. He sometimes wouldn't take the afternoon nap, and when he did, it was hard to fit it in the day so that he'd still have a long enough awake time before bed. He now sleeps around 12:30ish - 2:30ish, everday, waking between 6:30 and 8:00 in the morning depending if it's a daycare day or not.
-His naps used to be a slightly different times depending on his wake time for the day because he was very religious about his awake times, like 3.25 hours exactly, lol.
-But now, he just seems to associate 12:30pm with sleep time.
How's it going for you now?
Sonja C