Hi Becky-Welcome to the boards. A good starting point would be to post your typical day, wake times, attempted nap times, bed time (including bedtime routine). That will give us a good idea of whether your DS is getting enough sleep.
He probably had more trouble around the 6 month mark too, because he likely became more aware of his surroundings and realized that the breast that was there when he fell asleep, wasn't there when he woke.
I have been in your same position, and have been taking my son on the couch in the night for one whole year. The key to any sleep training is
consistency. I can vouch for this because I have tried it time and again, always falling back in to old habits and my son will take every inch I give him!
Your situation is a little more complicated, having to deal with the weaning at the same time. There may be information on the baby sleep board about weaning and sleep training at the same time...I'll take a peak and see if I can direct you to something over there.
Lastly-don't look back on mistakes you think you've made (picking him up when he cries). Just move forward and be consistent with how you want to handle each sleep period. I know some people choose to deal with nights first, and then naps or vice versa. Sleep begets sleep as they say, and the brain uses a different function for naptime and bedtime. So, if you feel you need him to get good naps to have a better night...maintain what you are doing for naptime if it means he'll sleep better, and get bedtime under control first. Then you can work on naps later kwim?
oh yes, and it is often typical for babies to cry for up two hours the first night or two. The key is, he is not crying alone. You are there supporting him, showing him that you will come when he needs you, but that he must learn to sleep on his own. The key is persistance and consistency. Do not underestimate this. He is crying because it is different, he has fallen asleep the same way for months. Kids are adaptable, and he WILL learn the new way!
You can do it! he can do it!
Good luck to you. it is hard, but will be well worth it in the end.
okay, that was long. I think the first thing we need is his routine