Hi Katie. I'm not sure I have any really brilliant advice for you but a couple of things. I would persist with the swaddling (maybe try a miracle blanket - available from mothercare or their own website - almost impossible to wriggle out of.) I thought I wouldn't be able to keep my dd swaddled as she would continually escape but she is much better now. Swaddling to her now signals sleeping. I just have to go slowly when I put her in, so she doesn't get upset by it. Come up with a wind down routine that suits you both. Do it every time you put him down for sleep. Give yourself lots of time to wind down. You may need to start winding down right after the feed, especially once you start getting over tired. I did/do sh/pt with my dd. We started at 4 weeks. She was 8 weeks yesterday and celebrated by falling asleep in her moses basket all by herself, for all three naps, and bedtime, for the first time. It was hard work getting there though. We spent HOURS doing sh/pat. I really thought it would never work but it did. I think also 6 weeks is young, it really is. Sometimes I think we may expect too much??? Anyway. Hope you find something useful here.