I was just logging on to find tips about the same situation, though our's wasn't quite as cute as your's. DD climbed out due to (I think
) SA and possible overtiredness and not wanting to go to sleep. She's been freaked out for several months of me leaving her in her room at naptime, but I thought we were getting over that. It recently, just within this week, started again, and I figured this might happen. She's really too tall for the crib rails, but she just never bothered to get out, except once really long ago, but I think she fell more than climbed then.
Anyway, point to my post. How do you keep them in their room until it's time to come out? I don't want her standing at a gate yelling for me when ds is right next door. Is there just no way around it? Oh, and all the baby proofing that needs to be done
. I'm afraid she'll pull a dresser over on herself, and lamps down. I'm just taking everything out