Author Topic: One Year Old... Transitions? What to Try... any Suggestions?  (Read 915 times)

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One Year Old... Transitions? What to Try... any Suggestions?
« on: September 17, 2007, 15:36:32 pm »
These forums have been SO helpful in earlier challenges, so would like to ask for help again!

Our DS turned 1 at the end of August. He's not yet walking on his own, but will do so holding onto things and is able to get himself back to the floor easily. No current teething issues.

We're experiencing early wakings (5:25/5:30, sometimes a bit earlier) and some challenges at bedtime. Wondering if there is anything to do to get a bit later start on the days!

Here's what his days typically look like.
5:30  Wake (sometimes crying, but if so, usually stops crying and goes to babbling, we typically give him up to 10 minutes before going in, otherwise he starts crying for us)
5:45  Bottle
7ish   Breakfast (fruit, bread, cheese, etc.)
9:15-11:15  Nap (usually right around that time, we usually have to wake him, sometimes this nap is a bit shorter and he wakes on his own)

12:15 (ish) Lunch - some milk, cheese, bread, fruit, etc. Sometimes meat
2:45-3:45 Nap (try to keep total naps to 3 hrs or 3:15 if he seems very tired)
5:00 Dinner (similar to other meals
6:40 Bath, bottle, books, bed. The last week, he's refused (crying) to go to sleep for Mommy. Wants Daddy (is home w/him for the days) and then goes to sleep after about 4-5 minutes. Sleeps through til morning. Up until a week or so ago, he almost always went right to sleep on his own.
7:30 Sleep in crib

Activity is varied, lots of play, errands and riding in his stroller or push car. He's usually cheerful and doesn't seem too tired, although sometimes in the evenings we get some "meltdown" time.

Do we need to start transitioning naps, etc.? Seems his nighttime sleep is short, but not sure what to adjust and in what order/how. THANK YOU!

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Re: One Year Old... Transitions? What to Try... any Suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 16:22:16 pm »
It looks that he is starting with the 2-1 switch . I think you could possibly start cutting some of the day naps. I would suggest that you start cutting the morning nap, so that you can get the pm nap longer. The am nap seems very long.  Keep cutting the am nap by 15min increments every 3-5 days until it is down to 30min.  The am nap should be around 3h A from waking.(around 9ish).  Once you get the nap to 45min remember to put him down for pm nap no longer than 2-2 1/2hA (11.30-12ish) after waking from the am nap.  The am nap is just enough to keep him going to the pm nap and he will not be totally rested from the am nap, so avoid OT.  This nap should eventually become about 2h .  I would suggest that you also put him down earlier in the evening (6ish) until he has settled in this routine.  You can then start pushing the evening with 15 min increments and he should start waking later in the morning... :-* :-*

Elmarie X

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Re: One Year Old... Transitions? What to Try... any Suggestions?
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2007, 19:17:15 pm »
Thanks! We were hoping he was still a little young for the 2-1 switch but he has been remarkably consistent with his overall sleep. We'll try this approach.

A few questions-- do we want to get the nap in the morning to only 30 minutes then work back to 45? And we've been working off the 3 hrs. 45 minutes of A time specified other places within BW... am I correct in guessing that when you are transitioning naps like this, the A time just gets dramatically shorter? Thanks again!!!

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Re: One Year Old... Transitions? What to Try... any Suggestions?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 13:52:45 pm »
When transitioning I would cut the early nap by 10-15 minutes each day.  Aim for your day to look something like this after the transition:

WU 7am

Nap 12 for 2-3 hours

Bedtime 7pm.

I also found that every few days after the transition they need a little power nap around 10 ish for 10 mins or so.

Offline ccg01

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Re: One Year Old... Transitions? What to Try... any Suggestions?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2007, 17:44:05 pm »
Well, I am happy to report (knock, knock, knock wood), that the wakeups have been better most days. Several around 6, with the random 5:20 ones. Seems he has finished cutting a tooth, poor fellow, so that might be part of it. We have gradually reduced his morning nap to 1 hr. 10 minutes, with his afternoon one being 1 hr 30. Seems he does still need the two, but the balance seems better.

This may be a bit random, but we also started putting socks on him at night because it's been cooler. Then I saw a sleep article which mentioned socks being a key part of comfy sleep. So, like many things, it is probably just a piece, but it may be helping!!

Thanks to all for your advice!