Has anyone got any suggestions on how to get my 3 week old back to sleep after a feed? When Beth is sleepy i have no problem, but sometimes she just seems wide awake and will stay that way for 3 hrs+.
Last night she fed at 2 am then was awake till 5.30, when she fed a second time then went to sleep. During this time she was a bit windy, but not hungry, not crying and not giving off any signals of being overtired. She just lay there looking at me happily (it was me and DH that were not happy
She doesnt do this every night just occasionally, so i dont think its a routine problem. Has anyone got any suggestions about what i can do to get her sleepy if it does happen. I tried putting her in her cot with a dummy and she was ok for 10 min streches then she would cry from boardom. I didnt talk to her or do anything to keep her awake, i also tried shh pat. Is this something i just have to put up with until she grows out of it?