Holy cow, you must be dead on your feet! I'm 6 months pregnant as well. Where on earth to start!??
I can't offer experienced help with the feeding issues... but gut feeling (although this is me, not you, you must do what feels right to you) is to get her onto bottles. You need to give your second baby and your body a chance to be ready for what the next few months will bring!
I started getting him onto bottles at about 7 months and we had a week of screaming fits but with gentle persistance we got there and now he loves his bottles. I started with cutting day BF and just BF him before bed (but never let him fall asleep before he was in bed). I gave him a bottle of expressed milk in the day at 9 and another at 3. When he was happy with bottles in the day (3 weeks I think it was), I happened to go away for the weekend (he was 9 months) I expressed to keep supply up, but found I was only expressing 60ml...since he had been taking a bottle whilst I was away, we just carried on with bottles when I got back. We moved over to formular at some point! You feel rotten when you're doing it, but, with anything, it takes dogged determination and a knowledge that the more rigidly you stick with it, the better, and quicker, the results.
As for the sleeping, I have just gone through 2 weeks (nothing compared to your 6 months!) of screaming (him not me!!) but I truly recommend the Gradual Withdrawal method ... I think there is a step before actually leaving the room, where you sleep on the floor in LO room for 3 nights next to the bed then gradually move your mattress away from LO bed over a few nights/ weeks (depending on LO) - as far as I understand it, you go to bed when they go to bed and stay with them the whole night. This would also give your pregnant body time to recover and prepare for #2! When your LO is happy going to sleep with you in the room, you then sit with him until he's asleep or very calm and take a step away from the cot every few minutes until you are eventually able to leave the room (this can take an hour or more in the beginning). It took a few days before DS didn't scream as soon as I left the room - when he did, I would wait a few moments and go right back in and start again, withdrawing really slowly ( a step every 5 mins, if he screamed I would either shh or just breathe deeply so he could hear I was there - I tried very hard not to talk to him). I was never sure if he was asleep before I left or not but eventually I was able to leave, he would cry for a couple of moments then go to sleep. Now I put him in his bed, kiss his bears (and feet tonight for some reason!!), give him a kiss, tell him I'll see him in the morning/ after his nap and that I'm going to turn the light out, then I leave (telling him I was going to turn the light out seemed to stop some of the screaming - gave him warning) . If he cries I leave him for about a minute then go in, put him back down (he's usually standing at the end of the bed!), tell him it's time to sleep, stand next to the door for a few moments then leave. I don't stand next to the bed anymore unless he really needs to the whole GW routine again (which hasn't been for a week now).
My LO was sleep trained when he was 4 months and hasn't had any major sleep problems, but I would imagine this process, done very slowly and gently would work for anyone. I am amazed by the results - he has been sleeping until 9am for the last 3 days and has 3 hours over 2 naps...it's crazy and wonderful...a little bewildering but I'm enjoying it.
I can't emphasis enough HOW important it is to stick with it - even when you don't think there's ever going to be an end, there is. It works - like manure, it's stinky and fairly unpleasant but it creates something incredible in the end! What an odd simile!!
Good luck...whatever option you chose, stick with it, modify bits of it until you feel that what you're doing will work (I started out with walk in walk out - which didn't work at all for us, but this was after a week of letting him cry it out and controlled crying - both horrendous methods in my opinion!)