Welcome Linda,
It would be helpful if you could post your EASY schedule with rough timings, and whether you are bf or ff to answer your question as thoroughly as we can, however here are a few initial thoughts...
...babies' appetites vary enormously, some eat very little, others seem to be bottomless pits! So regarding how much is too much/enough, as long as ds is still taking his pre-solids quantity of babymilk (eg. if he took 25oz before you introduced solid foods, he should still be taking 25oz now, and until at least 9 months), then offer him solid foods until he doesn't want any more.
You'll know if he is having too much because his milk intake will drop, and if this happens you want to decrease the amount you offer him until it picks up again. Milk is the superfood, it has everything a baby needs in it, and should be the main part of his diet until at least 9 months, the solid foods are for him to practise so that by the time he does need them in his diet, he knows what they are an what to do with them, and they do also provide extra vitamins and minerals too!
I offer water with solid food meals, if ds is still taking his pre-solids quantity of milk, he shouldn't need more liquid, so again offering water in a sippy or open cup with his meal can be just for practice.
I'll wait for you to post your schedule before attempting to answer your other queries, in the meantime do check out the FAQs because they have many useful hints and tips about introducing solid foods...