Hi, my 4.5 month old daughter (she doesn't take night feeds anymore, she gets 32 oz in the day)is waking repeately throughout the night, I usually go in put soother back in her mouth and leave then sometimes its a few mintues later sometiems a half hour it varies I do that again, repeat, repeat, repeat, and sometimes, she isn't jsut wimpering somtimes she is waking into a hysterical cry but when I go in her room her eyes are closed. So I am thinking it's that part of sleep where the babywhisperer says most of us would roll over and just go back to sleep but for some reason she is hysterical, while other times she is just wimpering for her soother. I have no problems letting her cry a little bit if it's just a wimper cry but a full fledged hysterical fit when she appears to be sleeping still I don't know what to do. Any suggestions. It's like she isn't going into a deep sleep.