Sorry, I should have posted my son's schedule. He just turned nine weeks, and I did not really start a schedule for him until he was about 3 weeks old.
7am starts the first feed of the day and he eats every three hours after that. We have play time and then I attempt to put him down for a nap about 1.5hrs after he has been awake. I have been trying to keep his activity time not too overstimulating. He has a bouncy chair and will stare out the window, or he plays on the floor. 20 minutes into his nap he will wake up sometimes screaming. He hates to be swaddled, so I have been trying to tuck his arms after he falls asleep, then after he wakes up I hold his arms and legs down. Has worked for the last two naps, hopefully it will continue!!!!
I never knew naps were a learned technique. Hope everyone has a restful night!!!!