Author Topic: Is this CIO?  (Read 825 times)

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Is this CIO?
« on: October 03, 2007, 18:28:07 pm »
my DD is almost 19 months old.  we've been doing BW since she was about 4 mo.  in the past couple of weeks, she has a major fit when i tell her it's bedtime.  this is our day.

i work out of the house so babysitter watches DD along with a 3 yo and a 1 yo.  neither the 3yo or 1 yo sleep well at all and require AP to go to sleep.  both are always OT. 

DD wakes about 7.  when i have her on the weekends, we go to her room to read about 11:30.  we read about 10 mintues, i tell her it's naptime and stick her in the crib.  she'll immediately start crying and screaming.  i walk out and wait a couple of minutes.  she'll stop crying and either talk to her animals or read some books. 

but during the week, babysitter will read to DD and the other two kids and then rock the 1 yo to sleep and put her in the crib.  if DD doesn't quietly go to sleep (which is rare), babysitter rocks DD.  that just distracts DD and so DD ends up not napping at least once a week. 

so DD is pretty OT by bedtime.  we'll do bath, get ready for bed (brush teeth, lotion, pjs), she'll play for a few minutes and then we'll read.  i tell her pick one more book and then it's bedtime.  she'll immediately start crying and throwing stuff.  she'll also usually grab about 10 books.   ::)  i'll let her read one and then i say it's bedtime.  she'll start crying again.  i put her in bed crying, hug her and kiss her.  then i walk out.  she'll continue crying for another 1-2 minutes. 

generally her routine is:
7:15 - wake
12:15-2 - nap
7 - bed

if there is no nap, i'll put her in her crib about 6:45.  i don't want to move bedtime up too much because she'll end up sleeping 13 hours at night and not napping the next day again. 

so i have two questions i guess:
1 - am i letting her CIO?
2 - any suggestions about what to do to help her with naps? and to not be OT?

TIA and sorry so long

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Re: Is this CIO?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2007, 18:50:37 pm »
hi there

we have recently gone through the exact same phase- seems it is a common phase at this age, linked with SA where they don't wnat to go to bed.
Here's a recent post with the same thing:
also in there is a link to my original post for you to have a look through. I got through it by doing gradual withdrawal. dd found my presence in the room comfrting and was able to fall asleep as normal. Took about a month for things to go back to normal
hope this helps a little xxx


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Re: Is this CIO?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2007, 20:04:56 pm »
wonderful.  thank you.