Well, she may be asleep now, but she's been up from 4:45-6 am - just awake. I can hear her moving in the monitor, and she called to me 2 times (after the initial one). So lots of lost sleep tonight.
I wonder if this has something to do with Dad being gone last week. She did fine when he was gone, but now that he's back, she's not so great. This has happened before. So maybe she still is dealing with some SA.
When she calls out the first time, we go to her, most of the time don't say anything, but if we do it's "i'm sorry you woke up, would you like me to rub your back?" and she'll lay down, and we'll rub her back for a minute or 2 and leave and she's fine. Huge improvement over before, where we could sometimes hardly even get her to lay down...she'd throw a big fit. She still way prefers me to come to her at night than Dad. And i would just as soon do it every time to avoid a tantrum, but my DH insists that he helps and that she gets over this. Not so sure that's best right now.....i'd rather have a good night. Anyway, then if she's up for a while, having trouble falling back asleep, she'll usually call again. And she knows now that we only help her one time when she wakes. But I still go to the door when she calls and say "I already helped you, it's your turn to lay back down and go to sleep. you can do it - i love you." Of course she used to throw a fit at this too, but she's good with it now - this is so routine we've been doing it for months. I feel good about it. I don't think she could handle us not coming when she calls. And again, we were down to her waking and calling for us just one time for quite a while there, and going right back to sleep - livable.
So.....i guess we'll see how long she sleeps this morning, and try to put her down earlier. Should I just let her nap however long she will, or if it's short should i get her to go back to sleep (cause i'm sure she would gladly if she wakes early). Is nap a good time to let her catch up the lost hours, or will it just perpetuate the problem?
And the tough thing about all this is i don't even really know what her ideal bedtime is right now. So getting back to normal? not sure.... We've been putting her down around 7:20, falls asleep prob by 7:30, wake at 7 - again, with one wake up, so some loss of sleep there. when she started sleeping through, we were putting her down a little later. maybe that was a mistake. I wish i knew what was ideal for her, would give me a base to start from. but then again, it would probably change soon anyway!!
Thanks for the help..... It's 6:15...i hope she went back to sleep. haven't heard anything since 6.