Author Topic: PLEASE HELP!!! DESPERATE MOM OF NON-SLEEPING 19 Month old!!! PLEAE READ!!!  (Read 5005 times)

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Offline carrie13

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My son is 19 months old, he HAD been sleeping through the night since he was 4 months old, now for the last 2 1/2 weeks his naps are getting shorter and shorter, (they WERE about 1 1/2 to 3 hours long) now I'm LUCKY to get 45 minutes.  He has also been waking up after being put to bed, and REFUSES to go back to sleep for hours.  When this first started he was in his crib, but once he wanted out bad enough he learned how to climb out of his crib, so his Dr. said we had to get a toddler bed, so now we have a "big boy bed" and once he wakes up he just comes out of his room.  I have tried very hard, not to engage him, and simply put him back in his bed, at that point he grabs hold of me, and wraps his legs around me and REFUSES to lay back down.  I have tried to rock him for hours, he passes out but again once I try to put him down he's up again.  We have a ceiling fan with a light dimmer, we keep the lights down as low as they will go, we play Baby Einstein  C.D.'s VERY low, simply as background noise.  I've tried sitting in his room, and putting him back in his bed every time he gets up, but again we can do this for hours.  He has a "blanky" and when he gets mad enough at me, he throws it out of bed, and then screams for me to get it, which I try very hard not to give in, but sometimes I just can't take the screaming anymore.  The only soothers he has is we do tend to rock him to sleep.  But until this point it has never been a problem... I know it's a no-no...  BEFORE this our schedule was he would wake at about 6:30-7:00, we would eat breakfast, play, snack at 10:00, and nap by 11:00, he'd wake anywhere from 12:30 to 2:00, depending on if we had an extremely busy morning.  Once he wakes from his nap, we eat lunch, play, have a snack by 3:00, play, dinner at 6:00, followed by tub time, then brush our teeth, read a story (the same one every nap and bedtime since he was 4 months old)  as we read he has his ONLY bottle of warm milk, and I rock for a little bit more, then I put him down.  He was a bottle fed baby, I TRIED to breast feed, but he COULD NOT latch on...  Since he has been waking and not staying in his room, my husband and I end up laying on his floor until he falls asleep, and by this time we are just too tired to move ourselves that we end up sleeping there!!!  Last night he woke up at 2:00 AM, and it took hours to get him to sleep, NO ROCKING AT ALL, and he was up by 7:30.  His nap time was hell getting him down.  I tried the baby gate at his door and he almost made it over, but we have tile in our hallway...  should we try the baby proof doorknob??  And just hope he crawls back in his bed and goes back to sleep?  I did go away for the first time 3 weeks ago for 2 days, and since coming home is when all this started... I am so beyond tired, and my patience is wearing thin.  I'm lucky to sleep 3-4 hours a day.  Is there anyone out there who can help me?  Please tell me what we are doing wrong?????  I am DESPERATE!!  Thank you anyone who takes the time to help, you are saving my life! :P  Oh and as for any milestones, he has really gotten the hang of his 2-3 word sentences...  Thank you again!!!!!!!


Offline mari

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I think that the nightwakings are due to over tired, but did I read correctly that he falls asleep with a bottle of milk?
If so then I would try to correct this.  Firstly I would try a later nap, perhaps 12ish and see how long he sleeps, then do a bedtime of around 5 hours after he wakes from his nap.
Have you ever done any sleep training?  You might have to if he is used to falling asleep with a bottle.  I did Walk in Walk out with Alex and it did take time but we did crack it eventually.
As for the toddler bed, it probably would have been easier with a cot, but keep taking him back to bed and saying 'it's time to sleep'  reassuring that you will be there if he needs you.
Are you familiar with WIWO?

Here is a link that might help you.

Offline carrie13

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He doesn't fall asleep with the bottle, but does drink it while we read our story, then we rock for a little bit, and at that point he does fall asleep.  I am not too familiar with WIWO, but he out of his bed before I can get out of his room... When he was 4 months old we did the "Sleep Sence Program, but once we got him to sleep through the night we did return to rocking him to sleep... how horrible are we????  Should we get rid of the bottle all together or is that too much change too soon???  Thank you for your help!


Offline mari

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Well, I still give Alex a bottle at bedtime, but she doesn't fall asleep with it, she has her story. (she's 2 and a half!!!)
I would say that he could be overtired and also he is used to being with you when he falls asleep, therefore, when he wakes and you are not there, he wants you.  I would definitely change his routine to relieve the overtiredness and then try WIWO, taking him back to bed calmly and gently when he gets out of it. 

Offline carrie13

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I tried to put him down for a nap today and within 30 minutes he's up, I tried rocking him, patting him, and just sitting with him, but he won't sleep.  I'll I want to do is cry, because I'm so over tired too.  What is the best way to relieve his over tiredness when he refuses to sleep?  Since he won't sleep now, what time should I put him down tonight?  I will try the 12:00 nap time tomorrow, or should I keep trying today?

Offline mari

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Try a bedtime of 6-6.30pm if you can.  Sorry about today's nap.

Perhaps you could do an early bedtime for you too, I found that was the only way to cope with the bad nights.

Hugs.  :-*

Offline carrie13

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Thank you so much for all your help, I know it seems like I need a step by step class in getting my baby to sleep again, but I think the lack of sleep has affected my thinking.

I will put him down around 6 or 6:30.  Dinner at around 5.  And again I will put him down for his nap at noon tomorrow. When we stay in his room until he falls asleep after waking in the middle of the night are headed for more trouble later on?  Or is it ok for now so he knows we are there for him?

As for me going to bed earlier, I do try, but there have been a few nights where he's awake within a few hours (2-3) after we put him down... and then we're up until 1-2 in the morning, and he wakes earlier. 

Again, I thank you...  you might be the person to save my sanity!!!


Offline mari

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Sometimes, we need step by step help.  When I did sleep training with Alex I actually had the laptop outside her room as I was doing WIWO!!! 

When you are sleep training it is very improtant to maintain consistency so when he wakes during the night you should do exactly what you did for bedtime.  This is when it gets testy!  So, use the same strategy.  Take him to bed, let him know that it's still time for sleep and walk out of the room and repeat as often as necessary. 
When Alex was awake during the night, her bedtime was my bedtime too.  I know it means that you get no evenings but they will be back, honestly.

Offline carrie13

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Since I rock him at bedtime should I do that when he wakes in the middle of the night as well, or should I stop rocking all together, or should I keep rocking but lessen the time I rock each night, and do the same when he wakes up?  Now, say I calmly and reassuringly put him back in his bed, and leave, and he gets really upset, runs after me, what then???   Just keep repeating until he stays in bed?  AAGGHHH!  LOL

Offline mari

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I wouldn't rock him at all.  and yes, take him back to bed every time.  I know, argh, it's awful, but has to be done.  Good luck.

Offline carrie13

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« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2007, 20:35:00 pm »
Ok, I'll give it  a a whirl... this is going to be hell isn't it.  Maybe if he goes down earlier, he won't wake up tonight... ha-ha-ha yeah right!

Offline mari

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« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2007, 21:00:33 pm »
you can do it.  It's not going to be hell, it might seem like it, but you are a toughie, i can tell!  :-*

Offline carrie13

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« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2007, 22:43:37 pm »
OH this is so not working...  he won't even lay down... and is down the hall on my heels.... is this normal????  OMG!!!

Offline Lucysmom

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« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2007, 22:57:02 pm »
Carrie -

I am so sorry you are having a really hard time of it right now! Huge hugs to you!

Since this has kind of happened all of the sudden, I might be in favor of making sure there is nothing going on medically with him.  Was he recently to the doctor's?  I know you mentioned your doctor saying he should go in a toddler bed, so perhaps he/she did evaluate your ds then.  In any case, I just thought I would throw that out there.  I know ear infections can often manifest themselves in sleep disturbances even without other symptoms.

Don't feel bad about rocking him to sleep until this point.  It must have been very sweet to see him melt into sleep in your arms for all this time!  I know of another member here who rocked their ds to sleep until he was a toddler as well as she used WI/WO.  There is another option besides WI/WO and that is gradual withdrawal.  There should be a sticky detailing it on this board.  IF you want me to take a look I will.

I don't think I helped, but I just felt bad for you!  Thinking of you and sending you tons of cyber support!

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« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2007, 23:02:24 pm »
Haven't read the posts but you sounded so desperate I just wanted to send you a hug - please hang in there - things WILL work out !!!!!!!!

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