Author Topic: What happened????  (Read 663 times)

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Offline vbeck

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What happened????
« on: October 10, 2007, 16:02:33 pm »
Ok we went abroad a few weeks ago, have been back 2 weeks fri, while we were away his bed time routine was disrupted slightly as he was sleeping in our room, which he wasnt used to it was also very warm and i think all of this contributed to him waking in the night, before we went he would go down at 7 and sleep either all the way through or maybe wake once in the night, when we got back obviously it took me a few nights to get his routine back but i done it...a strange thing happened tho, before we went, i was having nightmares with naps, not going down and if he did, was awake 35-45 mins later but when we come home from holiday, for some reason as soon as i saw tired signs and layed him down in his coat, he would fall asleep straight away and sleep for 1-2hours, well that was last week, since Sat it has all turned round again, im following the same routine as last week for naps, i walk around, sing him a song, walk in his room which is dark and last week this worked a treat but now, OMG, he goes mental, i tried pick up put down, just seems to keep him awake even more, tried just ssshhhhing him with my hand resting on him and he just stares at me, crying and begging to be picked up, then he starts throwing his legs in the air and thumping them down as hard as he can, same with his arms.... today his napped for at the most 50mins??? ive just put him down for another nap and he went crazy, i put on his white noise cd and it calmed him straight away but the thing is, last week we didnt need this at all?

I just cant work out whats changed??its like when his night sleep is good, his day sleep goes wrong and vice versa? i try and stay calm and tell myslef his just getting frustrated and to see it through but everything i try just seems to make it worse or wake him up even more!!

His routine last week was like this

Wake and Eat - 7am
Activity - 7-9am
Sleep - 9am-11pm
Eat - 11am
Activity - 11-1pm
Sleep - At this time we normally get out and he would sleep in his pram but only for about 30mins
Eat - 3pm
Activity -this would be short as his nap between 1-3 was short
Sleep - 3.45-5.30ish
Eat - 6.30 bath and top up of bottle bed by 7.15ish

But this week, well feeding times are the same but sleep is non existent, HELP!!!

Sorry, his 20 weeks this sat!

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Re: What happened????
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2007, 18:53:10 pm »
Just bumping this up for you  :)
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o

Offline gleek

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Re: What happened????
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2007, 23:48:25 pm »
hhhmmm, i'm of the opinion that the two main naps should be long and then save the short nap for the evening. so if you're going to get out with the stroller, i suggest doing it for the evening cat nap. the evening cat nap should be no longer than 45 minutes. i've been told (and some may not agree) that anything longer than that steals away from nighttime sleep. he's probably a little out-of-whack with the sleeping because of this schedule. i know that my LO will have many bad days of naps if she screws up even one day and flips her cat nap for her afternoon nap. try and get him on the 2 long naps and a cat nap schedule and see if that helps.
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Offline vbeck

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Re: What happened????
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2007, 18:16:27 pm »
I would try this but when we go out after lunch its shopping or to see friends and as i dont drive, going out when his due his catnap isnt an option, today he woke at 7.15, had breakfast and then by about 9ish i thought i would take him for a stroll to the shops to pick up the sunday papers and chill him out a bit, he fell asleep but then woke when we got to the shop, my partner come and picked us up, ds was still awake and then when we got in, i took him straight up for his nap and he went mental, screamed and screamed untill i had to walk out and leave him with Daddy, when i got back, after 10 mins he had fallen asleep but then woke 40mins later, which was time for his next feed, then i decided to take him to my Mums as i was getting very very stressed, my Mum took him for a nap and he fell asleep, slept for 1.5hours, so woke at 2.30, we went home at 4.20ish and he fell asleep in the car about 5ish but then woke about 40mins later? and ive just put him to bed and he went down awake, no problems! So he had one 45min, one 1.5 and one 30min nap? the thing is, even if i stayed in all day, it still wouldnt solve the problem of getting him to sleep, i cant bear to see him get ot and really really crying so pu/pd just wont work for me, especially as when i have tried he fights me so i cant physically hold him and it says in Traceys book that if the baby is fighting, lay him down and try and reassure him another way! But the past week and a bit, nothing i do works????

Sorry, everyone i know tells me that some babies just dont sleep as much but i know he needs his naps and i feel like im fighting a losing battle, its so hard!