Bella is still waking between 1 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. consistently. She wakes before this and is easily settled however, between these hours she will sleep for about 10 mins. then get up, walk around her bed, basically throw a fit crying and screaming, etc. She's had a bunch of intolerances to dairy, soy, lactose-free, and goat's milk products. The only thing that works ok for her right now is Rice Milk. When she would have her tummy aches, it was usually during those hours so at first I thought she was waking out of habit. But, it hasn't gotten better. She's not screaming like she's in pain (like when her tummy hurt) it's more like "I want your attention NOW". But it goes on and on and on and on................seriously, for like 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
I know she's teething and have been using baby orajel and tylenol but obviously it's not helping with this issue.
Here's my question.................... I was so tired of doing pd's for 2 1/2 hrs. solid last night that I pu to do pd the last time and accidentally fell asleep holding her. When I woke up (to my alarm that had been going off for 45 mins. & I didn't even hear it) we were both cuddling and she was sound asleep - til I tried to move her to her bed.
I've been trying so hard with this sleep training stuff & I know when she goes home to biomom it won't matter cuz she'll do whatever is easiest. As it is Bella refused to sleep for a nap at her visit on Sat. & Sun.
That was like ALL DAY with no nap.
So..........would it be so terrible to have her sleep in her bed til 1ish a.m. then try pd's for a short period of time and then say forget it & put her in bed with me so we could maybe get some sleep? I'm tired. Actually, exhausted. I think I look way old cuz I have these bags under my eyes and sometimes it's hard to stay awake at work - especially during naptime.
I just want easy or simple or something along those lines so I have some energy.
If you have ideas or just want to tell me that's an awful thought, please just let me know because (once again) I'm at a loss.