I think you're just going to have to weigh out the pros and cons of everything. Your baby won't be on this schedule forever, at the most a few more months. Soon he'll be able to stay up for two hours at a time, and then only have one nap a day. So is it more important to you to give up that bit of time with your husband and maybe pay parking for a few months to protect your child's sleep needs, or would you rather try to have your baby adapt to that routine? He might be a little cranky, but kids are so resilient. He would probably find a way to make it up the rest of the day, or maybe you could tweak his routine by putting him down a little earlier for his next nap to keep him from getting overtired. Will he continue to sleep in his carseat if you left him in it in his room after you got back home? Neither of my DD's would do that, but some babies will. I believe you've got to do what's best for your children while also trying to do what's going to keep you a happy mommy for them. If you're going to stress about time with your husband or spending money on parking, then I say take the baby and try to tweak the routine. If you're okay with just a few months of your husband taking the car and spending money on parking to keep you from having an unhappy/cranky baby, then go that route. In the end, it'll all be over so fast you'll wonder why you stressed so much about it. At least that's what's happened to me with both of mine!