BIG {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} to you!!!
I am going through the EXACT same thing with Isabella & we have been for a few months now. I thought she was done with napping but then I got her back on track by allowing her to nap with me in my bed! I am sorry as this is very not BW like & some fear that it would mean the toddler will then ask to sleep with mummy at night but that was the ONLY way to get her to nap again. About a week ago it stopped working so we started doing quiet time on the couch but yesterday & today she was back in my bed again.
It is sooo hard to advise you whats the right thing to do! I know we are in the process of dropping a nap but 3-4 consecutive days of no naps & we have some major tantrums as well over here. Getting by the afternoons when she doesn't nap is a HUGE struggle.... so much so that dinner is around 4pm... bath to follow & she's in bed & OUT of it by 6pm (she wakes around 6am). So you are doing the right thing by putting her to bed early & if you want to you could try 15mins earlier.... if she's waking up earlier though then you know for sure that 12hrs is all she is going to do at night.
I would first try quiet time... set her up in her room with books, etc... & if she wants to nap she will... if not she won't but at least she is having some sort of a break. If you think that she really needs the nap then you could try what I did... do you think she would fall asleep with you? Or you could try a video on the couch & maybe that would let her rest a little & recharge her batteries.
With Isabella I am not going to do something as drastic as stop her from napping altogether but she is definitely forming a pattern of some sort. Last week we had no naps for 3 days & then she crashed for an hour nap.... then it was 4 days no nap & yesterday she did 1hr nap with my DH. Today she was in a terrible terrible mood as early as 7.30am so I suspect she didn't sleep well at night & probably woke up really early. She started crying over a band-aid... wanted it on... then didn't.... then did... then didn't... (you get the idea) so at 11.30am I went to lay down with her & by 12pm she was sleeping! I really think you need to go with the flow until the nap is over and done with. I am trying so hard to be patient & some days are better than others
The key to afternoons on those dreadful no-nap days is disctraction, distraction & more distraction! I take her out of the house cause if we are indoors then everything is unpleasant. She cries over everything and anything & is just so miserable (poor girl). So I save the parks for the afternoons, train rides, backyard activities, the beach... whatever I can think of. If there is a meltdown I am really sympathetic to the fact that she hasn't slept & just try to ride it out the best way I can.
So I don't think you should cut it out yet but allow her the chance to nap daily & if she doesn't then continue with the earlier bedtimes.
Lucky with us I didn't have to wake Isabella up at all for the last few months (I never really did wake her up at all to be honest). She cut her 2hr nap to 1.5hrs aaaages ago & then it went down to 1.25hrs & when she does nap these days it really is only as long as 45mins - 1hr (with an occasional 1.25hr nap). I put her down for the night at 7pm & she does about 10.5-11hrs at night.
hth & I am sorry I couldn't be of much more help. This transition is even worse than the 2-1 transition I just went through with dd2. I really hope mine gets used to not sleeping all day soon or I need to come up with more things to do with her in the afternoons.