At this age you might be better off doing just PD rather than pu/pd
A schedule for a 9mo would be something like this:
6.30am - wake
9:30 - morning nap (can be 1-1.5hrs long)
10:30/11 - morning nap ends
2/2.30 - afternoon nap (1.5hrs long)
3.30/4pm - afternoon nap ends
7/7.30 - bedtime
When he wakes at night if you are finding that you have to give him the soother to get him back to sleep it could also be a prop
If you are finding that its harder to get him down for the afternoon nap you might want to try waking him up 1hr into the morning nap so that he is tired enough to sleep longer in the pm. He should also be able to stay up for longer than 2hrs in the morning... so you could try to push him slowly(add 10-15mins over a couple of days) until you get there
This is a copy from the FAQ's in the pu/pd board:
8 MONTHS TO A YEAR - At this age you really don’t do any pick up as babies 8 months and up tend to soothe faster in the crib.
· You wait for them to stand up or pull up and then you place them back down so they are looking away from you and not at your face.
· If you feel they are truly frantic and need more you can pick them up for a moment but you put them straight back down.
· At this age it’s important to use your voice even more. Your baby will start to recognize what you are saying, eg. “I’m not leaving you, you’re not alone, it’s nap time” etc.
· At this age you may need to pair pu/pd with gradual leaving of the room. First you stay in the room until asleep, then move a few feet from the crib, in a few days you move to the door, then out the door.