My lo is 19 weeks old, and has been doing well on a 4 hr EASY for the last month (we started EASY when he was about 4-6 weeks). He's taking a DF at about 10:30 - 11:00 and sleeping through til about 5:00 a.m. - wakes hungry and takes about 4 oz (usual feeds are 6 oz) and goes back to sleep. We got him up at 7:00, but of course he refused to eat until 4 hours after his last feed...this has thrown off his whole day (starting to get hungry when he should be going down for a nap, getting OT etc.). Any suggestions to get him back on track - this is terribly disruptive and I'm afraid his night sleep is going to get messed up again....(we're just getting back on track after a string of multiple NWs per night)