Author Topic: what do you think of my routine  (Read 716 times)

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Offline pazzy

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what do you think of my routine
« on: October 31, 2007, 21:55:26 pm »
Hieveryone just wanted someone else to look at the routine my lo is in and see if there could be any changes . SHE WONT SETTLE AT BEDTIME CRYS AND MOANS.She is 22 weeks old.
7am wakeup and feed
Stay awake till 8am then sleeps till 9.30am
wake up 9.30 -plays etc
11.00 feed
11.45 nap  for 2 hours
14.00 wakeup and play
15.00 feed
16.30 nap for 30 mins
17.00 wakeup and goes in bouncer or swing
18.15 bath
18.30 feed
19.00 bed

would apprciate some advice on routines

Offline vadensmommy

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Re: what do you think of my routine
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2007, 00:01:21 am »
So 22 wks is 5.5mo old right?  It has been a long day and I am not sure about my division skills :)
So the first thing that I see is a pretty early first nap time - there is only 1hr between A for the day and S.  The other A times look good, although many babies are doing 2.5hrs A time, but there are plenty that aren't doing that much yet.  5.5mo was also a hard age for us because dd started fighting the catnap, and eventually dropped it a little before 6mo, which I think is a tad early.  If I had to put myself in your shoes, I'd probably try to move the naps around a bit - namely, work towards a 2hr A time gradually (stretch A time by 10-15min every few days) till you get to your ideal A time without lo getting OT.  The idea being to get 2x2hr naps, and MAYBE a catnap, if she really seems to need it.  You would still have 4hrs daytime sleep, just separated into different chunks.  Others may have some better observations than I do, but that is probably how I would tackle it.  Good luck, and keep us posted on how you get along!!

Offline pazzy

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Re: what do you think of my routine
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2007, 12:27:43 pm »
Think im being abit  slow today, sorry but when would you have the first nap if she gets up at 7am for feeding. she starts getting tired at 8am. but we are going to start weaning her in a few weeks. could you give me a feww ideas about routines. thanks for any replies

Offline vadensmommy

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Re: what do you think of my routine
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2007, 19:01:00 pm »
Well at 4mo we started on a 4hr EASY that looked something like this:

7 A and E
7-9 A
9-11 S

11 E
11-1 A
1-3 S

E 3
A 3-5
S 5-5:30/45 Catnap - some days dd took this, some days she didn't.

E 5:45 - this can be an optional E if you want to do a clusterfeed
A 5:45-7
S 7 for the night

DF between 10-11

The first A time of the day is often shorter than the others because the 1st nap is often a continuation of night time sleep, so I'm not surprised that your lo gets tired fairly quickly in the AM, but if you take it slowly and stretch that A time by 10-15min every few days, it will probably be fairly easy to get to 9am being the first nap of the day.  HTH!