So 22 wks is 5.5mo old right? It has been a long day and I am not sure about my division skills

So the first thing that I see is a pretty early first nap time - there is only 1hr between A for the day and S. The other A times look good, although many babies are doing 2.5hrs A time, but there are plenty that aren't doing that much yet. 5.5mo was also a hard age for us because dd started fighting the catnap, and eventually dropped it a little before 6mo, which I think is a tad early. If I had to put myself in your shoes, I'd probably try to move the naps around a bit - namely, work towards a 2hr A time gradually (stretch A time by 10-15min every few days) till you get to your ideal A time without lo getting OT. The idea being to get 2x2hr naps, and MAYBE a catnap, if she really seems to need it. You would still have 4hrs daytime sleep, just separated into different chunks. Others may have some better observations than I do, but that is probably how I would tackle it. Good luck, and keep us posted on how you get along!!