Author Topic: 10 months and not eaten for 5 days - what is up?  (Read 900 times)

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10 months and not eaten for 5 days - what is up?
« on: November 23, 2007, 14:23:36 pm »
Hannah has now gone nearly 5 days without really eating much at all.  She has had some weetabix in the mornings (maybe a few teaspoons full each morning) but other than that she just spits everything else out or throws it on the floor.  Could it be teeth coming through?  So far she's not had any teeth come through yet and I've almost given up wondering if they're on their way :-\  I can't really see any whites under the gums, they're not swollen and she doesn't seem in any pain.  So I just don't know.

She's happy during her A times, sleeping ok but just won't eat.  She is taking about 7oz 3 times a day although has now started leaving an ounce or 2 in each bottle.

Any ideas what could be up?

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Re: 10 months and not eaten for 5 days - what is up?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2007, 01:06:32 am »
Do you have a safe feeder?  Whenever dd seems to not want to do the work of chewing I give her that with some frozen pears in it and she loves to gnaw on them, and at least she is getting a little bit more nutrition.  Good luck!

Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: 10 months and not eaten for 5 days - what is up?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2007, 21:12:03 pm »
Hi Hazel,

Just to reassure you, babies have an innate survival instinct, they don't have an instinct to starve themselves, so trust Hannah, unless she shows any other worrying signs let her have an off week or so, and I'm sure she'll eat again when she's ready! :)

Alison x

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Re: 10 months and not eaten for 5 days - what is up?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2007, 21:30:34 pm »
Zach's doing a similar thing, Hazel.  He used to eat loads, but now I'm lucky to get more than 4 spoonfuls into him, although he will still eat pureed fruit or yoghurt.  I've started just giving him finger food as he's very good with chewing, and he'll eat a little more that way.  Some meals he eats about 6 pieces of pasta, a yoghurt and two bites of banana.  ::)

It could be teeth (Zach has 5 but another on the way), but I think it's probably just a phase - perhaps they're just transitioning from being fed to feeding themselves and just aren't quite sure what they want to do? 

Try not to worry about it - if she's happy and sleeping (could Hannah have a word with Zach about that please!  >:( ) then there's probably nothing wrong.

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Re: 10 months and not eaten for 5 days - what is up?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2007, 16:05:33 pm »
Abbi is 11 months, and her feeding has gone down a little the last few days, as pp said, it may be teething, its certainly the case in our house. Or maybe she is brewing a bug?