Author Topic: Yogurt causing spit up in 7.5 month old?  (Read 3067 times)

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Yogurt causing spit up in 7.5 month old?
« on: November 26, 2007, 00:13:33 am »
Hi my LO is a week shy of 8 months and is BF and has 3 solid meals a day. She was a huge spitter until she was 5 months, when I figured it out, and substitute cow's milk with soy milk for my cereal every morning. The spitting up stopped. Yay! I still eat yogurt, cheese and skim milk in my cappuccino every day.

I have been giving her yogurt on and off for the last 4 weeks and I think she is intolerant. There were no reactions in the beginning, but now that her appetite is bigger I think she's reacting to it badly. She is spitting up again (after the solid meal), a small amount and it's kinda chunky (sorry TMI). The same thing happened last weekend when I tried to go back to milk in my cereal...she spat up then too. I switched back ASAP. She doesn't seem super bothered by the spit up, so no real pain I guess. I will just stop giving it to her, but will she outgrow it? She loves yogurt! And do you think it's an intolerance or allergy? I have allergies to dust, animals, and pollen...but no food allergies whatsoever. Neither does my DH.

Thanks a bunch

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Re: Yogurt causing spit up in 7.5 month old?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 04:09:36 am »
Hey Lyndz,

I would say that I believe that yogurt is processed differently than milk, which is why you can still eat cheese, yogurt and probably cottage cheese without any problems. For Grae, I would stop giving it to her for a few days (maybe three) and see if she's still spitting up. If she is, then try it again in a few weeks. It's possible that it's something she'll outgrow. Remember Muriel's baby, Elisa, couldn't eat anything, and now she's able to eat things she previously couldn't. I'd just continue to offer it to her every ten days or so and see how she does.

To answer your question I would think it's an intolerance, not an allergy. She would probably have a much graver reaction if she were allergic - rash, violent vomiting or diaherra (sp?). So perhaps it's something she can eventually tolerate.

Just my opinion, so I hope that helps.

You're welcome a bunch,

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Re: Yogurt causing spit up in 7.5 month old?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2007, 13:20:56 pm »
I would stop giving the yogurt for now and try again in a few weeks. If the same thing happens then you know it is definately the yogurt that is causing problems. If it does happen again then I would probably wait at least a few months before trying again. I know a lot of children do outgrow allergies/intollerances so hopefully your dd will aswell. You could always try soy yogurt.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

Offline lyndsy_p

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Re: Yogurt causing spit up in 7.5 month old?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2007, 18:00:41 pm »
Thank you both for your replies.

I didn't give it to her for the rest of the day, nor did I this morning and there was no spit up, so I guess that's the culprit. I'll wait a few weeks before I let her try it again. Good to know that she may outgrow it. I just love to watch her eat cute and messy!

Thanks for the the info on allergy/intolerance differences Lu. ;D
