My routine is in early stages,and I am going to post elsewhere ( i think on EASY) about shifting his routine as i am new to all of this... All times are give or take half an hour or so. We had a good reliable routine until his 8-week growth spurt, now I am having trouble at bed time, which we didn't have before...I aim never to let him be awake for more than 2 hours (he's 10 weeks, but 5 weeks prem)
feed 8am (try to keep him awake, but falls asleep easily)
11am (have to wake him for this, or he will sleep longer... falls asleep extremely easily)
4pm (this is the sleep that often has the sleping pattern i described)
7pm (he's often fussy at this sleep, but will eventually sleep)
10pm (he wants to feed and feed at this sleep, I have just tried a pacifier, but he sucks for 20 mins or so, then spits it out before starting crying again. For the last week EXACTLTY the same pattern has happened: he seems to 'ping awake', even if I allow for the 2 hour awake time aiming to have hime settled by midnight - not ideal but a start- he ries and cries (not like a pain /windy cry so i don't think colic) i try to settle him, and i try sh/ pat, stopping for feeding breaks... he is happy to play or feed... he falls asleep easily at 3am EVERY NIGHT!) and sleeps through until 8am...)
Do you think I am expecting him to sleep too much in the day? Thanks for all your help!!!!
(I am trying to read up about cluster feeding)