my LO is just over 3 months, is a textbook baby (with some angel) & has been on EASY since birth. he is 18 pounds and EBF. we've been on a solid 3 hour EASY up until this week when things started going awry. he's trying to cluster feed again, sometimes he won't eat at all when he's supposed to, but be starving a hour later. i really don't know whats going on. so yesterday i kept track & wrote everything down.. i'm doing that as well today.
here is our wonky routine. i would love some advice b/c my gut is telling me he's ready for 3.5 or 4 hour EASY instead of 3 hour... what do you think??
E 4am
S 4-7am
E - supposed to eat at 7 but refused breast
E - 7:45
S - 8 to 10 (this is backwards b/c we had to drive hubby to work & LO always falls asleep in the car on the way)
A - 10 to 10:30
E - 10:30 - 10:45
A - 10:45 - 11:30
S - 11:30 - 12
A - 12-1
E - 1:10 - 1:25
A - 1:30 - 2:05
S - 2:10 - 4:30
E - 3:31 - 4:41
A - 4:45 - 6
S - 6-6:40
E - 6:40 - 6:56
A - 7 - 7:53 (including bath, bedtime routine)
8 - 8:25 cry his butt off for the past 2 nights when normally goes to sleep no problem, refuses to sleep unless he's fed again both nights
E - 8:25-8:40
S - 8:40 - 4am
E - 4am (this is now the start of today)
5am soother
6am soother
woke up at 6:45 to feed & start today b/c i knew he had to drive hubby to work. i wanted him to get at least a full hour of being awake before we got into the car so today is looking like:
E 6:45
A 7-7:50
S 7:50 - 9:30
E 9:30 - 9:47
A 10-10:55
S 11 - 11:15
A 11:15 - 12 (i went to the salon, he woke up & sat quietly in his carseat but wouldn't go back to sleep)
S 12-12:40
E 12:41 - 12:45 (sometimes he has these really really short feeds)
A 1-1:50
S 1:55 - ?? he's still sleeping
and there you have it. this is what our week has been like on & off. he's not upset or overtired, he's not overstimulated, he's a happy happy baby that seems to be veering for no reason.
thanks again! i would love, love to hear your thoughts