Hi Ladies,
Thank you for your replies

Andrea yes he would def sleep longer int he morning if she left him, she always has to wake him up after 20/30mins! would this make a differance to the routine

I spoke to her today and she said he slept 30mins in the morning yesterday, and 1hr 10mins in the pm (he awoke at 2.20pm) He went to sleep at 7pm, then he woke up at 11pm and wouldn't settle till 12pm and then awoke again at 5.40am she went in laid him down and he got up at 6.30am, the thing is she has no idea if he went back to sleep or not after 5.40am but she said she didn't hear him

Today his routine looks so far like this
9.15am -am nap (fell asleep at 9.30am awake at 10am)
1pm-pm nap (didn't fall asleep till 2pm!! she will have to wake him at 3pm to pick up dd from school)
what do you think? she is really grateful for your help and she was wondering if just going cold turkey to 1 nap will sort everything out? i'm not too sure!
if he woke at say 6am would his routine on 2 naps look like this
6am-wake up
9.15am-sleep 30mins
Or if 1 nap would it be
7pm bed
Obvioulsy of he wakes at 5am it would all have to be done earlier, but if she went the 2 nap route, would she keep offering the morning nap until he just refused it

and went onto just 1 nap?
Sorry for being a pain, but i can see she is struggling trying to work things out!
Oh by the way she does give him paracetomal if he seems in pain at night, but doesn't seem to make a differance