Layla thank you so much for your detailed response. I don't think you know what a big help that was. Let me preface by saying ds is a spirited toddler, and will only watch tv for about 20 mins, and he'll only play on his own for about 15-20 mins if I'm around (seems to do it longer when I'm nowhere in sight!). He is wonderful and fairly easy-going, but he demands a lot of undivided attention...
That being said, his weekday and weekend routines are a little different and look like this:
Monday to Friday:
Wake between 6 & 6:30 - breakfast and in the car by 7:30 at the latest (we are both teachers...)
Play, snack, lunch at 11:30
12:30 - 2:30 is nap time at school, but his log book often says he didn't fall asleep until 12:45 - 1:00
3:45ish we pick him up
4:15 home/play
5:00 dinner
6:00 bath
7:00 wind down
7:30 lights out - sometimes he goes to sleep right away, sometimes he talks until 8 - sometimes we have to go in and tell him to go to sleep and other nights he does it happily on his own, though 'happily' hasn't happened much lately.
On the weekend, we start nap a bit earlier because he sleeps between 3 & 4 hours so the nap is 12:30 - 4:00ish and the rest of the day looks the same. If we wake him up from his nap earlier, he is a MESS, and I'm no good for getting him out of the house especially now in winter (we had 30 cm of snow yesterday...) I guess at daycare when they get him up there are so many other kids around that he holds back his meltdown, or he's just used to the routine of being woken up.
He tends to wake a little earlier on Sunday, maybe because he is caught up. This past weekend, though, he was up until 8:30 on Saturday night for a holiday party, and still up at 6:15 so I KNOW he was tired.
Overtired, maybe? That might explain yesterday, but not sure about his other no-nap days or if/when he's having no naps at daycare.
I don't think he's ready to give it up but I was completely emotionally unprepared for yesterday's events and pretty tired myself after 2 hours of in and out of his room, reading him books and trying to get him to wind down. I hear of all these other couples spending time together in the evening but I just can't find the energy...We alternate nights of doing bedtime, I did last night and by the time you get out of his room it's 7:30 and my eyes were drooping at 8:15. I wake at approx. 5:30 am myself, whether ds is up or not, or whether it's the weekend, regardless of what time I went to bed (I'm like a BW baby myself!!!) I also tend to have night wakings and difficulty going back to sleep, which is why I'm dragging by 9 pm if I can even make it that long. I sometimes take an herbal sleep aid, but I don't want to take it all the time, and don't take it now that we are ttc #2......... So I guess there are a lot of factors at play here.
DH says when he does drop his nap, which neither of us think he's completely ready to do, then we'll just have to "make him" play more on his own. But I can't relax and focus on spending time with dh when ds is screaming "Mommy, come look at..." or "Mommy, come play!" I put him off enough during the day just to do trivial things like unload the dishwasher or feed the dogs or go to the bathroom, much less doing it so dh and I can sit and talk.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see. We are traveling the first half of next week, so the holidays are going to probably completely throw things out of whack for a while. Then he is home with us for a week, and I'm wondering if we should limit his nap and wake him up after a certain amount of time?
Your advice is IMMEASURABLE! I really hope we can keep things together for at least a little while longer.