It's a little difficult and I don't quite know what to do about it just now.
Scotty's day either looks like this:
8.30 am awake
9 am breakfast
12.30 pm lunch
3.30 pm snack
6 pm dinner
7.00 pm bed
This is the schedule without nap. Problem is, after around 4 he gets cranky, nothing wants to work out and he falls over all the time. I can't get him to nap before 2 or 2.30, he will just happily sit there and play.
Or it looks like this:
7 am awake (I wake him)
2 or 2.30 pm nap (need to wake him at 3.30 or 4, he would just sleep 3 hours or so if I left him)
9 pm bed (won't sleep before that if he takes a nap)
When I wake him from the nap he will also be cranky, if I don't wake him from the nap, bedtime is like 10 pm
And the next morning he will sleep until 9 or 10 and if I wake him, he will cranky and moody and fall over all the time, he never responded well to being woken.
Will I just wean off the nap, leave him to sleep for 13.5-14 hours night (that's what he does) or cut night sleep and force a nap?
Cause... he is cranky either way, just at different times