Hi guys. Just want to check that I haven't missed something that could be changed to reduce the NF here.
Today was fairly typical, so I will list it out, but note the long nap is not always at that time, it varies.
in bed by 7:20 last night. DF at 10pm. Woke at 1:15 and 5:20 (for the day). Might have gone back to sleep if I could have kept that 5:20am feed in the dark and low key, but I couldn't because Zara was up and DH had gone to work already.
E 5:20am BF
S 7:40am
E 9:20am BF
S 11:10am
E 12pm BF
S 1:40pm
E 3pm BF
S 5:20pm (this A time was too long, but I was a little late getting back home with the kids from the pool).
E 6pm BF
E 7:35pm BF
For nap times I go by cues not the clock. When he wakes, be it from a short nap/long nap/morning or night feed, he wakes with eh eh eh for about 10 secs and if I am not there already it instantly escalates to screaming.
He is solely BF. No solids. Is on meds for reflux, and I am doing elimination diet (milk protein intolerance I am pretty sure, since I am seeing a marked improvement, but haven't discussed with paed yet).
He usually does 3 short naps and one long nap - which varies between 1.5 hrs and 2.5 hrs. I have not noticed any change in his NF with different amounts of sleep or feeds.
Last night was only the 2nd night of DF. Still hoping it will eliminate one NF. (Or better yet all NF LOL).
Previously, he was going 11 hours at night without a feed. When we started treating the reflux, he stopped sleeping through, I suspect he was only sleeping through out of exhaustion.
I can't tell if he is taking more or less at day feeds, since he has gone from having to be relatched a million times a feed due to pain feeding from the reflux, to never ever wanting to let go and ending each feed with a bit of a comfort suck LOL. I would assume from that that he is taking more?
He is VERY VERY impatient about waiting for the let down..if it isn't instant he cries at me quite crossly.
Is the night feeding looking like really hunger to you (I am leaning that way) or is there something in the routine that I have missed. Oh yeah, he is 4mo. Takes a dummy but sometimes falls asleep without it, and seems to be able to transition without it for some naps, so I assume it isn't the problem either.
My Dh and I think maybe he is ready for solids, but I am quite reluctant to introduce anything without talking to paed first because of the intolerances.
Sorry for the marathon post.