Author Topic: Possible egg allergy?  (Read 1289 times)

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Offline Lolly

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Possible egg allergy?
« on: January 13, 2008, 21:21:25 pm »
Just wanted to get some thoughts/others experiences on this!

My LO had scrambled egg at about 8.5 months (I'm in the UK and the advice is that whole egg well cooked is ok after 6 months) and his face went all blotch and very red about 15 mins after eating it. It seemed to be just where the egg touched his skin and it appeared on his hand/wrist where he had been shoving the egg into his mouth. After about 20 mins you could see it getting better and was all gone by 1 hour. We see a paed for reflux and a dietician at the time as he wasn't eating well. She advised to wait til 1 to try again.

So last week we were in Austria for my brothers wedding and T had some of their traditional wedding dessert it was a souffle type pudding - very eggy and not "solidly" cooked. About 20/30 mins later his face went very red again but all over this time, and his ears were red and his eyes looked very puffy. Again by 20/30 mins started getting better and all gone by 1 hour.

He has had egg in pasta, cakes with no effect but has had some slight skin reactions to some fruit and tomatoes. The fruit reactions stopped after the second/third time of eating and the tomato reaction doesn't seem to happen every time and only with fresh uncooked tomato.

Does this sound like a reaction which will continue to get worse? Obviously no more egg by itself for the time being ::). We are due to see our pead in a few weeks so I will discuss it with him. The other thing which does worry me is he is due his MMR very soon so will have to speak to the HV/GP first I think.

TIA for any wisdom!


Offline Lolly

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Re: Possible egg allergy?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 09:42:58 am »
No thoughts/wisdom anyone?


Offline Jimbob

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Re: Possible egg allergy?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 19:58:37 pm »
First of all I would like to apologise for not responding before now.

It sounds to me like an allergic reaction to egg. It might be that it is a mild allergy which is why your lo can handle egg that is in cakes and pasta etc but not egg that is on its own or uncooked in the wedding dessert. I would definately avoid egg as reactions can be different each time. My son used to react to dairy with severe eczema but now if he ingests even a tiny amount his eczema flares, he gets hives, has mucousy poo and his face and lips go slightly puffy. This happens even if it is only a very small amount in a biscuit for instance. It does not mean that your ds's reactions will become worse but it is always a risk.

My ds had his mmr in hospital due to his egg allergy. They kept him in most of the day so that they could continue to monitor him.

I hope this has been of some help and once again I would like to apologise for the late response.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: Possible egg allergy?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 20:34:34 pm »
Thank you!

I actualy spoke to another mum at T's nursery yesterday with a LO in a very similar situation except his second reaction was a bit more dramatic. They have been told to avoid all egg, even things he hasn't reacted to before. I put a call in to the dietician he saw and am waiting to speak to her so we are avoiding all egg in the meantime. I asked his Health Visitor today about the MMR but she was very vague and said to speak to a public health nurse about it.

He had baby eczema which we noticed really flared up after eating food with tomato, he has grown out of that now and grown out of the eczema so hopefully it will be the same with the egg.

I do appreciate the feedback!
