Thanks Robyn! You're little girls are very precious! Maybe my next one will be a girl...secretly hoping just a little!
But then again I couldn't imagine things any other way now!
Nice to know I'm not the only one freezing! Tomorrow it's a high of 0! Yippee! I can't wait for it to get nice out so we can hang outside all day!
Paige is a great sleeper! I understand your anti-jinx dance! It seems whenever I talk about how good Mason is sleeping, etc...then the next day is crazy! The other week someone asked if Mason had been sick yet and I said nope...the next day he got a nasty cold for a week!
Well Mason got up from his 2nd nap at 2:15pm. I knew he needed a catnap and he was kind of cranky so my dh put him down at 4:30. I really didn't think he'd fall asleep as he's been having longer A times than that, but he fell right asleep. We woke him a little after 5 to protect bedtime. He was in a great mood and after 2 hr. 45m. of being awake, he rubbed his eyes. He got to bed a little before 8. I'm thinking maybe 2hr. 45m. might be his magic number right now. I'm curious to see when he wakes up tomorrow and how his first nap goes if we aim for 2h 45m A time. He kind of confuses me with the seems as if most babies just biologically take a short nap here, but we've always had to wake him from it.
Robyn-What time do you start your day at? I just wish my lo's catnap wasn't so late because 8's a bit late for bedtime I think. I guess I'll just have to work with it until I get these days/naps figured out!
Mimi-How are things on your end?