So glad to be here....not
I purposely do a 45 min nap in the am to keep the pm one longer. Dont want ds to sleep past 3.30 or otherwise I spend all day in the house and it's not fair on dd. It's dark here by 5, and as she is on no nap needs her dinner by 6 or 6.30. He is usually pretty ready to go back for his am nap about 2 or 2.15 hours after wake up then other wake up times are longer. I too am kind of going by set naps, first one at 9.45 for 45 mins, then second one 1.15 for at least 2 hours if not 2.15. So cos I woke him at 3.35 I did no cat nap. He did really well but by 6.30ish was starting to get cranky, had him in bed by 7.30 on the dot and he passed out, woke now briefly but cos sil had to go in his room to get something, he is back asleep but she has to go back in
They are temporarily sharing a room for at least the next 3 weeks. Tooth number 2 is practically through too so all in all he is not doing too bad.
The schedule I am now aiming for is
7.30 Awake
9.45 Nap 45 min
10.30 A
13.00 or 13.15 Nap 2 hours or 2 hours 15 which would be better ( will adjust bedtime accordingly once we settle into new routine, think might take few days.
15.30 A
19.30 Bed
He is extremely active and crawls all over the place so need to keep an eye on him, think it might even be every 2 days no catnap depending on how his naps are.
Yeah feeding schedule is all out of whack now. But he is refusing his afternoon bottle and his pm bottle ( teeth I presume) so at least he is eating a lot of solids in the evening which gets him through.
Its so weird cos dd did from about 2.30 pm until at least 7.30 if not 8 pm at this age. I felt so sorry for him this evening.
On the other hand I decided to put dd to bed at 7.30 too and wouldnt you know it tonight she played hell
Amy I am hoping I have to wake him
I used to have to wake him at 8 a few months ago. But more so I want the crib parties to stop, I dont have to get up to him but am still awake listening to it and I never get back to sleep properly.
Oh and intervening never works for me, he sees me it's play time :-)