Sure, I'll post what happened yesterday, which was a little better than usual (daytime quantity-wise), perhaps b/c of the meds?
8:00 Wakeup and eat 3oz - Zantac
9:15 Naptime
10:15 Wokeup and wouldn't go back down (usually has 1.5-2 hr nap)
11:00 Eat, 4 oz, then A
12:00 Nap 2 hr (not usually this long and has longer A but think he made up for earlier)
2:00 Eat 3 oz, A
3:30 Nap, 1 hr
5:00 Eat 4 oz, A
5:30 Nap 30 min
7:30 Eat 4.5 oz!! Yippee, Zantac, then Change and wd
8:00 Bedtime, slept for one and half hour
9:30 Woke and ate three oz stayed up for about one hour (refused to go back down)
10:30 - sleep - 1 hr
11:30 - woke and ate 3oz
2:00 - woke and ate 3oz
4:30 woke upset so swaddled and paci
6:00 - woke and ate 2 oz (didn't want to rob morning feeding)
6:30 - paci
7:00 - swaddle and paci
8:00 - woke and ate 3 oz
So there it is. I've tried to do cluster feedings starting earlier in the evening but it seems to aggravate his reflux and he still does the clusters later at night of his own accord so I dropped yesterday to get him to do more at one time. It is VERY tiring! I think he's very hungry at night and that why he really needs the paci b/c he sucks pretty hard on it. Of course now he can grab it and yank it out of his mouth (accidentally) so we have to wake up when he does that and re-paci and try to swaddle which he HATES. Please help!