Hi Everyone!
Mods, I'm not sure whether to post here or Props or Pu/Pd, so please feel free to move it!
My twin daughters have been sleeping in Amby Baby Hammocks. We have decided to transition to regular cribs. We figured we would do their naps first and then once they were comfortable in the cribs during the day, we would make the move permanent by having them sleep in cribs at night.
Things have not been going so well and I have some questions.
They are finally able to get to sleep within 10 minutes, but usually wake at the 20 or 30 minute mark. I give them a chance to resettle but I believe they are so upset at not being in their Ambys that they don't resettle. So here I go to extend the nap. Here's where I get caught up and need your help.
1) Tracey says if you are going to do pu/pd at this age to wait until they stand up and then just put them down. My girls don't stand on their own. What do I do?
2) In the Ambys, if they would wake early and I would have to soothe them, they could not see me. Now they can unless I am crouched on the floor with only my arm over the side of the crib. Granted that sucks, but should I not let them see me? Does it just distract them more? Also, when they are both crying (which of course they are) I have to kneel and put one hand in each crib to help each Thing. Is that right?
3) They usually slept 2-90 minute naps in their Ambys (Oh, those were the days). Now I'm getting wake-ups after 11 minutes, 20 minutes, 25 minutes and 30 minutes (it also doesn't help that only one will wake up and then wake the
other one). I know that's OT, so I'm trying to extend the naps but they end up crying for 45 minutes at which point they either fall asleep for another 11 or 15 or 20 minutes or nap time is over and I have to get them up. so they are short on sleep (obviously), Do I shorten their A times? Do I try to add another nap? I've been giving them earlier bedtimes.
4) What can I do to make their cribs more comfy? They are so vast and firm in comparison to the Ambys. At this age can they have a softer mattress (egg crate) or some blankets or pillows or something? Again, I think they are used to the cocoon feeling of the Amby.
5) Will it get better?
6) What should I do differently?