It's so nice to know I'm not on my own - I just wish someone could give us some construct sound advice/plan - thats what I need.
Today's what shall I try? Is forced sleep!! This morning after milk, I laid him down in the bed with me and refused to play - just closed my eyes hoping he would do the same - eventually it worked, I think he had about 45 mins - 2 hours after he woke, then we walked into town, he fell asleep in pushchair (that NEVER happens) he was due a feed, but I managed to get him out still asleep, and put him in his cot still in his coat and he slept for 1 hour, he started rubbing his eyes 2 hours later so I put him in his cot, he was talking for 20 mins then fell asleep (probably out of boredom), I hoping I might be able to squeeze another nap in before bed - I'm not quite sure what I'm hoping this will achieve as even I don't think his daytime sleep actually makes much difference to his early wakings. But if he gets 4 x 45min sleeps maybe, just maybe he won't be so tired, as that is twice the sleep he has been having.
I'm not sure I'm brave enough to try a much later bedtime, I've had trouble getting him down and its been close to 8 and I don't think it made a difference - It a tough call as much as I HATE anytime before 7 (I struggle enough with 7) I do like having my evenings.
Emma x