No, I'm afraid no improvement here. It's an absolute battle to get him to sleep, not only during the day but at night time, too. When I think, it was only about a month ago that we were able to put him to bed after his bath and walk away and he'd be off without a peep. At worst he's getting 2 half hour naps during the day, at best an hour in the morning and half an hour at lunch and afternoon. Today he woke up at 4am but it's generally still 5/5.30am. I don't know what else to do. We have a lot of night wakings on the days when he only has 2 30min naps but if he's slept for a couple of hours, he generally doesn't wake up, although he's a very noisy sleeper!
I really hope this is to do with crawling. Harley is often up on all fours when I'm trying to get him to sleep, thing is, he's really upset and frustrated and really difficult to calm down. He's got really shouty recently.
Sorry to hear about the night wakings but good news on the later starts and the eating. Even if it's fruit first, like you say, at least it's working.