Hi there my dd is 5 weeks today and we have a problem getting her to nap in the morning, i know shes tired cos she fusses that the cue letting me know she needs to nap then she gets grump if i try and settle her or leave her to it so i feel i cant win then she does the same again after her 4pm feed yesterday was ok tho after the 4pm feed she gets grumpy at this time cos she is overtired or just not interested in a nap, i ve tried cutting her activity down in time or does she need more time or is she just not tired but then why be grump ,? clean bum, full bottle, company, she is on 4oz formula on 3hr EASY and night feeds are 5oz but have just gone to six think shes going through a growth spurt
E 7am
A 7:15-8:15am
S wont sleep or 20mins in my arms
E 10am
A 10:15-11:00 tired at this point due to no nap before
S 11am may be earlier 1pm sometimes has to be woke up for feed
E 1pm
A 1:15pm-2pm
S 2pm-3:40pm schoolrun and will sleep in the pram
E 4pm
A 4:15pm-5:30pm
S if she does nap its only for 20mins 30mins max
E 7pm
S 7:15pm straight to sleep
will wake any time between 3-4am for feed but last two nights 1:30am and 4:20am due to growph spurt i think then thats it til 7am