DD's napping has been really erratic the past few months and now it seems like she is moving toward dropping it for good. She is now taking about 1 nap a week
. I have been laying her down for her nap from 1-2 anyway to give her (and me!
)some quiet time. She usually plays and talks for about 1/2 an hour then starts to fuss to get out. She generally wakes around 7 am and then goes to bed about 7 pm. I try to keep the afternoons as low-key as possible to avoid any meltdowns from tiredness. Up until this week, she always seemed to go right to sleep at bedtime (or at the very least was really, really quiet). However, for the past few days she's been chatting in there for about 15 minutes or so and not seeming tired at all at bedtime. Fifteen minutes is no big deal, but I'm just really surprised that she's not SO tired by bedtime without a nap, and that she still has the energy to be talking and playing in there (when she hadn't done this previously). Does this sound like OT? She is usually fine most of the day, but does rub her eyes a lot right before naptime which I'm assuming is normal. She also has her last 2 molars to go and has been putting her fingers in her mouth a lot lately. Should I be putting her to bed earlier? Or is it possible that 11 1/2 hours of sleep is enough? Prior to dropping her nap, she was sleeping about 12.25 to 12.5 hours total per day. TIA