My DD is almost 2 years old. Below is our routine:
7:00 - 7:30 am Wake
12:15 pm Nap
2:30 pm Wake from nap
7:30 - 7:45 pm Bedtime
She will normally wake from her nap anywhere between 2:00 - 2:30pm. If she's not up, I will wake her at 2:30pm so that she's ready for bedtime.
However, lately I wonder if this routine is getting a bit old. She is starting to say "no sleep now" at naptime and bedtime and is asking for more books, more songs, .. delay delay. I keep telling her she doesn't have to sleep if she doesn't want to but that it is naptime / bedtime and so she has to lay down and rest .. however this is sometimes turning into a 5 - 10 minute discussion / negotiation.
At bedtime she is sometimes still awake (talking) in her bed at 8:10pm (especially if her nap went to 2:30pm).
I wonder if maybe her nap should be more like 12:30pm and wake at 2:00 - 2:15pm so that she's more ready to go to sleep at bedtime.
I do know that her naps from this point onward are only going to get shorter (until they finally disappear) .. and I'm SO not looking forward to that because that 2 hour break in the day is so wonderful!
Just wondering what you all thought and what your routines looked like at this age?