Author Topic: Toddler waking early - nap too long?  (Read 1223 times)

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Toddler waking early - nap too long?
« on: February 07, 2008, 13:22:27 pm »
My 23mo sleep routine is usually like this:

5.30 - 6.30 Wake
13.00  Nap for 1.2 to 2.5 hours
19.30 Bed

He has always been an early riser and seems to wake early however long the nap is and even on the occasions when he hasn't napped.  I really need his naps too so am reticent to wake him but wondering if I am letting him have too long a nap and thus he sleeps just 10-11 hours at night?  We leave him chattering in his cot for as long as poss without him becoming upset.  Sometimes that is almost half an hour but usually it is 10-20 mins.

Some friends with toddlers the same age have stopped napping so I'm wondering when and how I will know to stop.  He does really seem to need it at the moment though he does wake up often very tearful and grumpy.

Any ideas welcome.  BTW he is spirited.

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Re: Toddler waking early - nap too long?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 22:05:04 pm »
If he's sleeping up to 2.5hrs during the day then 10-10.5hr night is just about right

I would try actually an earlier nap & waking him up 2hrs into it & doing an earlier bedtime

5.30 - wake
12-2pm - nap
7pm - bedtime

Then you could try to push the nap out until its closer to 12.30pm & do 7.30pm bedtime, which will hopefully lead to a later wake up time. But I do think that at the moment the 6.5hr stretch before nap time is quiet long for his age

The av is 13hrs for toddlers, so if he's doing that at the moment, you won't be able to get him to sleep anymore unless you even the hours out between daytime sleep & night.

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

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Re: Toddler waking early - nap too long?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2008, 14:09:57 pm »
Thank you.  Yes I was thinking about trying an earlier nap as I do think he is really tired by the time it comes round and that is why he sleeps quite long.  Problem with nap at 12 is that most of the groups we go to mean we don't get home till around 12 then he has lunch so 12.30 is the earliest I am managing without changing our activities (which he enjoys so it would be a shame not to go to them).  I don't think I can give him a split lunch or lunch after his nap as he is often so tearful and unhappy after his nap.  But I would like to try your idea and good to be reminded that his total hours of sleep are right.