Author Topic: Allergy to baked beans/ tomatoe sauce?  (Read 2242 times)

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Allergy to baked beans/ tomatoe sauce?
« on: February 08, 2008, 17:00:59 pm »
We've been aware that Harvey has an allergy for about 18 months now but have never been able to put our finger on what it is.....

I can now say for definite that it is baked beans or probably, more likely, the sauce they are in!? It may also be something else but haven't worked that out yet.

He doesn't actually like them but he is a messy eater an if one touches his face or say his fork has the sauce on and that touches his face he comes up in big red blotches and the most common side effect is red, swollen eyes. Or usually one eye!

Today we went to the hospital for my antenatal appointment and had a cooked breakfast after.  Harvey chose sausages and toast  ::) But he asked for my fried egg from my plate once we'd sat down, I gave it to him but was aware that it had been touching my beans so thought Id see if that set the allergy off.  It did.  He didn't even eat the egg but somehow got abit of the bean sauce on his face and within minutes he was rubbing his eye and it started to swell.  It must have been the tiniest bit ever!!

Not really sure why I'm posting, I have no experience of allergies an am wondering what I should do when this happens and also if he's always going to have it.  And if anyone has any ideas to what it is that he's allergic too?! Specifically? He eats tomato ketchup all the time and this doesn't have any effect on him... nor do fresh tomatoes?! Confusing!! Which is why its taken so long to realise what it is!!

Thanks for reading :-* :-* :-*

Offline Jimbob

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Re: Allergy to baked beans/ tomatoe sauce?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 20:23:18 pm »
It definately sounds like an allergic reaction to me. Have you looked at the ingredients to see if that gives you more of an idea. It might be worth checking the ingredients of the tomato ketchup you use aswell as that might at least rule out some of the ingredients. If fresh tomatoes don't cause a problem and tomato ketchup does not then I would not think it has anything to do with the tomato content.

Have you taken you ds to the doctors regarding this issue. It might be worth having some allergy tests done to see if that gives you any answers. I also think you need to be carrying an antihistamine aswell like piriton or benadryl. To be honest I would want to seek medical advice about this as the reactions could get worse at any point.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: Allergy to baked beans/ tomatoe sauce?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 00:12:35 am »
sounds like DD's reaction to anything with Tomato's in it. We noticed it with Katchup at first. Tomato allergies are very common in young children, most grow out of it. Its the acidic level in them. I would cut out the baked beans and probably anything with Tomato's for the time being and see if that helps.


Offline Jimbob

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Re: Allergy to baked beans/ tomatoe sauce?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 07:18:14 am »
My first though was tomatoes when I started reading this post but then it states that Harvey does not have these reactions when eating fresh tomatoes or ketchup. I hope you get to the bpttom of this soon.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker