Thanks Michelle!!
Admittedly i was putting her down and sitting with her for a little bit but then im not sure really
I ve always found with my LO that if i stay in the room she seems to find it harder to settle
ok so heres what the routine has been looking like the last couple of days..
6.30am wake up, roll around in cot babbling
E 6.45am 5 oz milk
A 7am rolling about on mat on floor, sitting in bouncing chair, playing with teething toy
E 8am breakfast- baby weetabix
S 8.30am lays in cot rolling about - gets upset and doesnt seem to want to go to sleep but is rubbing eyes etc
9.20am finally falls asleep
9.35am awake, screaming..will not settle and keeps rolling over
E 10am 2oz milk doesnt want anymore milk but wants to chew the teat and gets upset wheni take it way
A 11am out in pram for a walk
E 12pm Lunch - fruit puree
S 1pm I put her in cot and sit with her....she drifts off but wakes up screaming 5 mins later and then starts
rolling around the cot whining and rubbing her eyes but is also being playful....which i ignore
I put her on her back each time she rolls over onto her front and each time she starts screaming...this
this goes on until 2.30pm when i feel maybe shes hungry as she only ate half her fruit i give her
a bottle on my bed. she takes 4 oz's. But wont go to sleep.
A 3pm bring her back downstairs...she sits in bouncy chair for a while
3.30pm out in pram for awalk - dunno what else to do!
S 3.45pm fallsasleep while in pram
4pm as we arrive indoors she wakes up again
A 4.10pm sits in bouncy chair playing with teething toy with dd1
E 5.30pm mashed veg
is so tired she cant finish her dinner properly...
S 6pm 4oz milk...goes in cot starts screaming
6.30pm asleep but fitfully
She has woken up every 20mins or so screaming and falls asleep again after a few mins......normally shes still having a DF at around 11pm...of which she takes about 5 oz's....she does wake up at this time but settles back down very quickly again apart from lastnight when she didnt go back to sleep till gone assuming some of this has something to do with her being more mobile recently but im just so tired and confused i cant see straight...