OK, so I decided to try and sort my daughter's sleep schedule yesterday. I started doing pu/pd at night, which although very tiring, showed a certain promise that that would help. However, today with her naps has started me wondering whether this is really helping. She's 4 mo, and never been on a proper nap schedule. Her longest nap to date has been at her grandma's, which was apparently over an hour, but no idea how she did it as i can't replicate it.
She will go down for her naps at first very well (this morning she settled herself with no crying!), but she wakes after 45 mins. She then will not go back to sleep for love nor money. I tried WTS on her first nap, with no success. I spent the rest of her 2 long nap times (after about 30 mins initial sleep for the second one) today doing pu/pd with no success at all - I did get a period of about 5 mins quiet playtime out of her in the afternoon, but no more sleep.
I then tried to wind her down by holding her - she's spirited so this doesn't usually work - and she promptly fell asleep on me, which is the first time that's ever happened. I transferred her to her cot and she slept for 30 mins, and then woke up completely. I tried to do quiet activity on our bed and hoping she would get tired again. She did, and after accidentally bumping her head (gently, thank god) I tried to get her back to sleep, but no go.
I will be doing pu/pd again tonight as it seems to work quite well at night, and just hoping for not so many wakings tonight!
However, I would like some advice about tomorrow's naps. Should I try the quiet time in the middle then pu/pd after she shows tiredness signs again? Should I try a longer wind-down time - she's not used to this, and I'm not sure what to do for wind down - I normally carry her upstairs slowly, and then change her nappy then hold her for a couple more mins then put her in her cot, because she doesn't like to be held.
Any advice welcome.