Author Topic: Activity time before bed?  (Read 1154 times)

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Activity time before bed?
« on: February 18, 2008, 23:08:18 pm »
My LO is 4 mo and is very fussy at bedtime. I have tried keeping her A time before bed shorter (i.e. only 1 and a half hours) and also extending it (anywhere up to 3 hours!) but we still seem to have the same result.

I know the usual A time for a 4 mo is about 2 hours and this works for us for the rest of the day. Just wondering whether there is a difference for the last A time??

I have trouble reading her tired signs  :(


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Re: Activity time before bed?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2008, 23:28:41 pm »
Hi Mumble

Is the only issue the fact that he's a bit fussy going down at night?  Could you post your routine and how he goes to sleep/wakes up?  Do you have a consistent wind down routine for day and night sleep?

Look forward to hearing from you.
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Re: Activity time before bed?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2008, 23:43:18 pm »
Thanks for such a quick reply.

Yes this seems to be our main issue. We were having trouble with 45 min naps but this seems to be resolving itself now. Our routine is a bit all over the shop at the moment but looks something like this:

wakes up 6:30
E - 8:15 (is not hungry when she wakes)
S - 8:30 - 10 or 10:30
A - till next feed
E - could be anywhere from 11:30 - 12:15!
S - 12 or 12:30 - 1:30
A - till next feed
E - 2:30 or 3
S - 3:30ish - 4:15
Bath at around 6/6:30 then feed then bed

She will then wake once anywhere between 2 and 5 for a feed. I tried a DF last night but she woke up at 2 and 5!

Our wind down for night and day is a bit different. Day is going in to her room, putting on some quiet music, pulling the blinds etc, getting undressed/nappy change, swaddle, short cuddle and kiss then bed. Bedtime is bath, feed, then same as  daytime. We don't swaddle her at night. She is in a grobag because I worry about her getting too hot (it is in the high 30's here at the moment). We swaddle for naps because they are shorter and we run an airconditioner during the day.


Offline claires mum

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Re: Activity time before bed?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 00:07:09 am »
Your routine looks terrific...well done ;D ;D...and if she's a bit fussy at bedtime but sleeping well..then it will probably sort itself out with time and consistency.  You get a big gold star girl...many would kill to be in your position!!! 

Here are some suggestions to see if it helps with the bedtime fuss:

1)  keep the bath coolish...too warm and it can be too stimulating.  Some babies just find a bath too stimulation full stop...if so, eliminate it.

2)  if you wanted to try the swaddle just to see if it helps you could do a few things.  Swaddle for last feed and when settled/drowsy - remove it and put into grobag.  OR use a light muslin swaddle and a nappy only.  I know what you mean about the heat...I'm in a hot climate too and also use the grobag...but on bad nights I go back to the swaddled and nappy only.

3)  Play around with the last A time and see if an earlier bedtime helps.  It could be that she's a bit OT (or UT) by the end of the day and maybe just 15 minutes less (or more if that doesn't work) will do the trick.

4)  Finally - the 45 min catnap might be an issue ...but I doubt it.  At 4 months this looks spot on.  You could just try limiting to 20 minute bridging nap. 

A few things there to think about.  Let me know what you think.

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Re: Activity time before bed?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 05:07:08 am »
I guess i am maybe seeing problems where there are none. Thanks for the boost.


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Re: Activity time before bed?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 05:07:44 am »
I will try swaddling her tonight and then switching her to her grobag. Good suggestion.