My LO is 5.5 months old. He went through a phase of great sleeping, but seems to be waking earlier.
His usual wake-up time is 7am, but for the last few days it varies between 5am/6.30am. I feed him and he goes back down, but this does effect our routine, we are trying for 4 hour EASY. This morning, I tried to give him only a few minutes on the breast, (to tide him over until 7am) but he cried when I took him off, so I continued the feed.
Also, when I put him back down, he falls asleep. When I go into his room at 7am to wake him, he's sleeping so soundly and yesterday cried when I woke him up at 7am. His bedtime is 7pm, so a 7am wake-up is okay? I feel so rotten waking him up, DH thinks i'm crazy.
Also, he has been waking around 4-5am, not for a feed, but a nappy change. Once the soaking nappy is off, he's happy to go back to sleep. I feel like we might be creating habitual wakings if we do a change so early every day, does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you!